I'll just hog my own
thread, rather than overdo my "contributions" elsewhere,
being that I'm new here and am a bit overwhelmed by all the information.
Good stuff. Great references and tips. Maybe I can give something back.
It can be hard collecting info and saving it for reference... (where oh where did I see that?)
I just wanted to mention -- I used to be a records manager, meaning that I had
a place for everything in a large file room -- to find it when I needed it --
At home, on the computer, I've tried using my "favorites" folder for saving links
to good information I find -- links to videos -- la la la all that
but the problem often is that... only part of that link is what I wanted to save --
and it is different than the title of the link -- and I just waste effort looking for stuff --
Also, I get a lot of good information watching videos -- it's just easier than reading for hours --
and it's hard to remember what a link was really all about -- sooooooooo......
when I began REALLY diving into
permaculture, I began several documents --
I use notepad (just cuz) and thus I don't imbed hidden code without knowing it --
(notepad won't save anything that has code) -- just cuz --
I have one document for veggies, one for
gardening technique, and another for other stuff
I could print it out if I ever needed to... to have my own hard copy reference...
Also -- when I read a book, I'll make notations from it in the proper file I've made --
such as companion plants I learn about -- what herbs are good for --
survival techiniques --
It's amazing how this simplifies finding something -- and remembering with accuracy --
all the information I'm finding... and where I found it.
If my computer crashes -- I'll have it on my memory stick.