I grew giant tomatoes this year, septoria ravaged them buy still got a crop,
mortgage lifters and pink fangs, they grew taller than my roof, fell over in bad winds a few times... now they are about done. 12 plants, really only made about 6 jars of tomatoe sauce, but dam it is good.
So now it's August... I dont wanna stop... I wanna to more!
I start 40 San marzano and romas in my kicked from seed Monday. I know winter is approaching but what are my options?
I'm in cumming Georgia and it's been a hot year, maybe it won't freeze till January. Maybe I can grow outdoors.
I was also considering my garage. Do I buy a tent system? How big? Maybe there is some kinda giant cart that holds 20 plants, that I can roll into the garage at night when it gets cold.
Should I use 5 or 10 gallon growbags? How can I do better on tomatoe cages, maybe less of an issue in the garage? How do I avoid septoria, one plant I bought spread it to everything.
These are my thoughts, any help or guidance, even "your nuts" will help, lol. Figure I have 2 to 4 weeks need to get the seedlings in the pots. Still learning, never grew indoors.