posted 1 year ago
We got a new Coolbot working right after we received it. But after sitting unused for a year while we finished the chiller insulation etc, it's not chilling, I plugged in the Coolbot last night and all seemed good. It was reading room temp and set temp. I let it run overnight set to 41 degrees.
This morning the temp was only what was set on the remote for the LG minisplit. 68 degrees. I saw an "ER" on the Coolbot room temp sensor. I cleaned the tip. The room temp reading is now 1 which doesn't make sense. I tried rebooting the Coolbot power. Nothing changed.
All the plugs look very clean. It all used to work.
Coolbot has a bunch of fancy videos with music etc about troubleshooting but narrators are all ladies. I'm going deaf and can't understand them.
I can't find any Coolbot forums on the web yet.
Bolar clay loam ph 7.4 lightened with mulch, sand and sulfur. Caliche limestone 4-12" under that, so we build up deeper with retaining walls.
Agorist, Texas Master Gardener, 0-3 zone permaculture = from slippers to cattle.