I know the experts say that overseeding
should be done in the fall, rather than the spring. But my own
experience seems to contradict this, and I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong.
Last fall (mid September) I planted grass seed on some bare patches on my
lawn. Watered for a couple of weeks, and it managed to sprout before winter, but didn't grow more than about 1/4 inch. I assumed it went dormant and would pick up again this spring.
This spring (mid April) I planted more of the same grass seed on a couple of different bare patches, and again watered for a couple of weeks until it sprouted.
It's now a month after the spring overseeding. The grass that I planted in the spring appears healthy and full. It's at least as high and thick as the surrounding turf and it's even able to stand up to mowing.
Meanwhile, the stuff I planted last fall still looks like crap. It's still only about 1/4 to 1/2 inch high and hasn't really taken off at all.
Did I do something wrong? Should I have planted later/earlier in the fall? Any ideas?
Thanks for all your advice. I'm now entering my second summer following your guidance and the lawn is looking much healthier already.