When I started charging my char, I would put all of the ingredients together in a
bucket, add some
biochar, stir, and then add the rest. One of the problems I ended up with was that some portion of the powder ingredients I use (whole wheat flour and ag lime) were still isolated powders at the bottom of the bucket when I dug in the biochar into my garden at the end of inoculation.
I decided to change things. I put the inoculants into a small bucket first and stirred them around by themselves, so I could know that they are all mixed. I put half of the char into a large bucket, and then poured the mixed inoculants over the char. Then I stirred them. I could see if there is anything left over in the small bucket. Also, because the big bucket is half filled, the inoculants slowly oozed into the char and tended to not stay stuck in the bottom of the bucket. Then I add more
urine and stir again. Finally, I put the rest of the char into the bucket, add more urine, and stir it one more time. It's a little more work, but I don't have any inoculants isolated and stuck in the bottom of the barrel. Every day, the liquid mix is poured in and out over the biochar to make sure it is both aerobic and thoroughly inoculated. They are actually mixed when I dig them into the soil after two weeks.
John S