We just bought our first house around this time last year, a real fixer upper. But it was in our budget, in the country, and has 1/2 ac, which, with the price of
land around here these days, was as good as we could get.
I’m currently working on designing a forest garden around the house, trying to leave space for some large annual bio intensive beds to build out as our family grows. The east side of the house faces the road and so I’d like some hedgerows and shrubs on that side, and a couple of sun traps leading up to the house with deciduous
trees to direct sunlight on and off the house where I want it.
In the back, the land slopes down from the northern corner to the western corner, and even small depressions gather lots of
water. That’s also the side with our washing machine, kitchen, bathroom sinks, for possibly a grey water wetland eventually, just down hill across the driveway.
HOWEVER, our septic is at the bottom of the hill. So no woody plants. And a walnut is at the top! But it’s on the neighbors semi-abandoned land. I don’t want gardens too close to the walnut, but everything that can stand its allelopathy is woody. Am I just limited to maybe a wetland and a
pond? Or would there be some way to fit, say, a 32x40 8 bed garden back there… how far away from the walnut must it be? If it’s too far away, it’ll be over the septic. I’ve read so much about septic and gardens and don’t want to chance ruining it—at least not yet—it’s already old and I’d rather replace it later than sooner. (And maybe by then the US will understand what vermicomposting septic systems are and I can have one of those permitted!)
I’m willing to move almost anything over time, so whatever (except the house and garage) is on the little plot I’ve got is insignificant.