You are in a lot different climate than me, but the first thing that comes to mind is alliums. I plant garlic and onions in the fall for late spring harvest. It is only a few days before they begin to sprout, and I also inevitably find other garlic and onions sprouting around previously planted beds that had somehow escaped harvest. This is not true for the chives, both common and garlic, though, that I have in my garden.
And maybe not really what you had in mind but annuals that are better in cool weather also begin sprouting in the fall in my garden. I always get cilantro, mustard, lettuce and borage volunteers in the fall, sometimes other things depending on what has gone to seed. Last year there was a very productive spinach
volunteer that showed up mid fall and powered through the winter. Though it may be the temps, there may also be a light aspect to it as well. I know cilantro is day length sensitive, so maybe the seeds have this trait. These volunteers will usually grow a bit into December then just hang around until early February before taking off.