You need a nusery and a small truck. Growing plants from seeds, cuttings, division, layers, and grafting is a critical skill unless you want to pay 1000's for retail pots. If you are growing large lots, you can contract grow with a wholesale nursery grower for groundcovers etc. Pots can be had free from a landscape installer. Potting soils is a mix of
compost and loam at around $12 a
yard. You can also develop nursery stock in the ground, and grow stooling beds. I just planted 7 hazelnut varieties on their own
roots for the sole purpose of producing around 70 plants a year through stooling and layering. Yesterday I just bent over 5 low cascara branches to produce new
trees by layering. Etc...
The alternative could cost $20k/acre for an average of an $8 plant on 4 foot spacing not including overseeding and site prep. Go for slow simple solutions, and it is VERY inexpensive, and you learn more.