Hi Sally - see Paul's
thread about decision making process, etc. He's pretty clear about how things will work and yes, he's very familiar with Earth Haven.
If you're looking for a community based on consensus or modeled after Earth Haven, Paul's property will *not* be that. Again, see the link above, or go directly to
In another thread, I thought Paul said he'd prefer if folks who are renting and have a day job primarily work from home. (Though for the life of me, I cannot find that comment!) Lots of commuting creates too much traffic on the site and really isn't very eco.
As for dogs - from what I've heard Paul say before they have to be livestock compatible. No pestering the animals or killing
chickens - I think he would say the dog would have to go.
On Paul's previous farm, the dogs were outside only, as some folks think a
LGD should be, though I don't know if that would be a "rule" for renters.
Edited for links and turn of phrase.