I have been wanting to get some more chicks now that most of our hens have reached their teens and are slowing down on the egg production. (YES, I did say their teens. We do not kill our
chickens and most live very long lives. We still get eggs at about 75% of what they produced in their early years too, so I guess we are doing something right.) Anyway, we usually let one or two hens go broody when we want new chicks, but we don't seem to have any girls who feel like being moms right now. I prefer not to go the hatchery route because I don't like that industry -- especially since all the nearby ones de-beak, de-wing and kill most of the male chicks. CRUEL, CRUEL CRUEL!!!) And... I would rather pick them up than have them shipped.
So... Does anybody in my area have any not too old chicks for sale? If so, please let me know what you have, when they are available, where you are and how much you want. (Also, if you are any good at sexing them, I prefer females, since I only really want
chickens for eggs, but will take straight runs if I have to. I just don't need any more roosters. I don't kill them, so end up letting them grow up and die of old age. That is a lot of wasted food, but I wouldn't mind that if they would just leave the poor hens alone and not fight so much among themselves!)
Rhode Island Reds
Plymouth barred Rocks
Any brown or colored egg layers preferred but NO HYBRIDS or sex-linked birds please. They never seem to be very healthy.