It sounds like we'd be a good fit for you early next spring but if you haven't found an ideal spot, I've got 11 acres for you to work with over the next year. primarily we're looking at orchard crops, but also
natives for the landscaping business. This year is a lot of set up but if you're a good fit there could easily be a full time nurseryman position once we're up and running. there's some details below. good luck to you! -Dave
This is the copy and paste part:
two folks, Holly and Dave, with three babies. a three year old and two infant twins. We have
land, we have space and we have gainful employment. what we don't have is time.
between twin babies and a
sustainable landscaping business that just tripled in size our property is...getting mowed, and that's about it. which seems like a shame.
What we are offering:
room and board*
paid labor at a living wage**
engaging farm work***
a good time****
* initially you will be staying in the front room here :
yup, that's right a genuine 1887 general store. We are building dedicated intern housing but for now you'll have to suffice with 10 ft tall windows and walls covered with antiques.
we'll provide plenty of food, but as we have small children the caveat on the board part of room and board is that it'd be good if you could share in with the cooking.
** I have a sustainable landscaping business it's here:
and here:
and it's a really good year to be be gainfully employed playing in the dirt. we can fit just about any skill set into the schedule so I can assure you one day a week but if it something you excel at we can find more hours.
*** We're on 12 or so acres, with a barn, creek and a slope bedecked with hugulkultur
berms (these . Our focus for the next year is prepping for a massive tree planting in the spring. orchard fruit on the hugulkultur slope and natives on the steeper slope and the creek banks. Additionally we are in the process of setting up a nursery to supply the landscaping business.
**** i really like our valley. for instance these are our nearest neighbors . Albert who's house you can almost see from here is a professional potter who is always happy to have folks over and a further bike ride is a two other families on our road.
we're a potlucking sort. additionally if you'd like to try your hand at homebrewing, we have a fairly large set up. if you enjoy hiking there's 900 acres attached to our farm with the largest private lake in washington county included.we have canoes and it's a short drive to the salt river. if you'd like to go tubing cartwright creek is a fine waterway after a rain. We also have the lincoln branch which is best for regular creek dipping.
What we are looking for:
A few extra hands*
folks that are good with (or at least don't mind) small children**
* there is a tremendous amount of work to do and it is clearly defined ( I run crews for a living so you don't have to worry about being board sitting around waiting for me to make up my mind). While we would still like to meet you if you don't have a strong work ethic, you probably won't see much of us.
** cause we've got a lot of them.