Hi! First post here, I'm pretty much a newbie so hoping to learn from all of you. I have a question: my honeylocust is just leafing out, and I am wondering if the young leaves are edible? I have eaten the immature beans from the pods before. I tasted one of the new leaves and liked the flavor, but I don't want to poison myself by eating more if I shouldn't.
Hi Paula. Interesting question. I looked in a couple of books on edible plants, but didn't see anything about that. And wikipedia only mentions the edible pulp of the pods.
The part about "potentially toxic compounds" makes me think I would be better off not eating the leaves, which is unfortunate because I liked the flavor!
Better safe than sorry. However, it is also true that many edible plants have "potentially toxic" parts, such as apple seeds and leaves, rhubarb leaves, etc, so it is important to know what parts are safe and what are not.
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