Hi all,
I lost this
video that I found doing a deep dive into keeping rainwater in the soil. I'm hoping someone here might know what I am talking about or at least know the proper search terms to help me get there.
There was a man explaining their catchment system. The roof
water came off the gutters through a downspout that
led to a small
pond fashioned from an old tire. The
pond had plants growing in it that filtered the water. Then it spilled over into a perforated pipe that went through the garden. They talked about how they had used rocks around the hose, but didn't like it. It was a huge pain to remove the rocks. They found it was better to use mulch because the water would wick upwards and be available for the vegetables in the garden beds. The worms also moved around the mulch more and entered the garden beds more. The mulch doubled as a pathway. He had a
concrete spill over for when there was too much rain, but I don't remember where it went after that. There was a link about how to make the tire pond, which I was hoping to reference, but it also had a bunch of other cool info I would like to reference.
Is the buried perforated pipe called a French drain? Most of what I'm finding on Google is for foundation drainage.
My fingers are crossed at least one of you knows what I'm talking about.