New Brunswick, Canada
A simple series of workshops in the forest where you can learn everything from the basics of being in the natural world, navigating your way through the forest, plant recognition & natural remedies, to more advance workshops on how to build first
simple shelters and then onto more complex structures such as log cabins and more.
Who are these workshops for?
Really all who ever wanted to;
Be immersed in nature, smell the decaying leaves or tender new shoots.
To listen to the gentle brook, to
experience the tranquility of forest.
To hear the songbirds, and if you’re quiet
enough, even the other elusive wildlife.
All who are respectful to the forest and its inhabitants.
All who want to gain some firsthand knowledge or put to practice their web-based knowledge into practice.
All who are physically able to make the hikes through the forest sometimes over the rough terrain, fallen
trees, tree
roots etc.
All who are looking to have an immersive experience of what could be challenging aspects of surviving the wilderness, such a bugs and flies.
For more information, you can visit our website
A.N.D Ecovillae