Randy Asher : A little history lesson, Ianto Evans can be credited for some of the earliest work done on Rocket Stoves, Rocket stoves were and are promoted as Cook
Stoves in every 3rd world Country in the world, More than 3 billion people in the world are still cooking food on 3-rock fires, with all their inefficiencies and health
hazards ! The one you bought subsidized a family in one of these places, while that stove lasts them 3XdayX365days = Fewer lung infections and cataracts, this is a
good Thing ! SO-
Rocket Stoves are for cooking (outdoors in good weather) and feeding Familys! Momma Stoves !
Pocket Rockets are for heating (Outdoors in all-weather ) Will melt blacktop, picket lines, Preppers,
End-of-the-world Zombi hunters, Ice fishermen Hot headed and red haired ugly step child !!!
Rocket Mass Heaters Whole house Heating
DRAGON feeding Wonderkind !
Paul w. thinks we ought to call them by their right names !, History lesson over !v Big AL