hello bird , Do you live in haiti you live some where in the tropics don't you? Are you all right?
Do the charities keep money back at the begining to build up Haiti later, not much seemed to be getting there WHen doctor Sanjay gupt went to the airport it seemed to be empty., Were they holding out on the Haitans? I think the charities fill their coffers in a crisis, so they can go on with all their activities, what i had not imagined was that they would go so slow on spending money on the crisis in hand that they would not do nearly enough there. If there are government run social services they get it in the teeth at the least suspicion of them doing somthing wrong, if they are charitiy run charities no one thinks to ask them any questions, THat is one of the advantages of government run social services.
From a
permaculture point of veiw, what do they export, import in that big port of theirs. Is it bananas and such, tropical fruit? Would the people of tropical countries be better off if they ate their own produce instead of being dependent on the money they got for the food they produced?
Would the distribution of money, that must be easier than that of goods, have allowed the Haitans to buy theri own produce, there is produce all year round in a tropical country isn't there, from the hills. The lack of good thinking and fast seems to have been apocaliptic. THe only person their worth anythign as far as organisation was concerned was Doctor Sanjay Gupta of CNN. rose macaskie.