Hello friends,
So here is our strange story. My wife and I currently bought a 2021 travel trailer and moved from Snohomish, WA to Sandpoint, ID with the hopes of working like he'll until we could afford
land out here...
The thing is, after years of seeming infertility... we got pregnant almost as soon as we got here! It's a total miracle in our minds, but also kind of changes the plan for a short bit.
I (28 M) cannot seem to land a job anywhere over here that pays nearly
So we are heading home for the time being to be near family and so I can get a higher paying position.
Home to us is near Snohomish, WA and I wanted to post on here to see if perhaps there are any permies around that area who would be interested in a work trade situation where I can help you around the property for 15-20 hours a week in exchange for a place to park our 30ft 2021 travel trailer.
I would also be working full time, but morning and evening chores, and weekends would be available for work!
If this sounds like something you may be interested in I can share more details.
Thank you!