"In the study,
biochar was applied at rates of 0%, 0.5%, and 1.5% to soil planted with spinach. The researchers observed that biochar application at 1.5% significantly increased the abundance of bacterial communities responsible for growth and nutrient uptake, such as Firmicutes (42.25%), Bacteroidetes (10.46%), and Gemmatimonadetes (125.75%), compared to the control under elevated
CO2 conditions. Interestingly, the abundance of Proteobacteria decreased by 9.18% under the same conditions. This shift in bacterial community structure suggests that biochar creates a favorable environment for beneficial bacteria, which in turn enhances nutrient availability and uptake by plants."
These are the articles that make me wanna use more of it than I already do. Can't imagine a dusting of biochar at 1.5% would significantly do anything in a soil substrate, but alas, "science" proves what most biochar enthusiasts already speculate. Thanks for the link. I always geek out about biochar when I'm about to incorporate more into my grow areas.
I've got a 5 gallon
bucket of top-down burned charcoal sitting on my carport "charging" at the moment. It's currently inundated with a number of biologicals. Microbes, bacteria, humic acid, molasses, kelp, azomite, aged urea, comfrey leaves,
coffee grounds and real salt. Topped off with rainwater.
What do you think, John? Sound like I'm covering most bases? I'm gonna finally setup a few
side by side comparisons of plant starts using biochar this Fall.