I’ll try not to make this too long winded.
Have you noticed crow effecting your
deer herd? I’ve lived here 4 years. My bucks have never hung out here very early so I never see or get them on camera on velvet. They usually start showing up about September. I have not seen a buck since July 31. One time. Usually between me and the neighbors we see just a handful of does. I am getting nothing but does and there’s 8-10 different ones.
The only thing different other than I’m in the fields waaay less since my car wreck (expecting more deer for this reason) and crows are here nonstop. Do crows scare off deer? They clearly come eat corn but otherwise don’t cause damage that I know of on my place.
Or it’s totally possible I’m just unlucky this year. With all the does the rut will probably bring them here but all our properties are small so by then they are very likely to be moving at night only by that time.
Any info to confirm my crazy theory?
Side note I have heard they run off the predatory birds. Which I don’t really care for. I love watching hawks and I haven’t seen any since the crows showed up this spring.