When I was a kid, another rule was: whoever sends the level over the 'line' has to empty it.
I will be forever grateful I was too small to empty the shitcan
If only my parents had heard of composting toilets!
Oh yeah, another one: Unless you're farming blowflies, keep the lid down when toilet's not in use.
I like Paul‘s wheely bin composting toilet idea. It makes a lot of the rules obsolete, than if you paddock shift the chickens you don‘t have to worry about the last rule.
At a family reunion, my cousin rigged a walkie talkie so that he could politely ask users to move over since he was busy painting down there. Several ladies quickly exited the outhouse. That was very high tech entertainment back in the seventies.
#9, spiders and other wildlife are at your own risk. You find it you either live with it or evict it yourself.
#10, if you drop the lightsource down the hole after dark, you either have to get it out or buy a new one as soon as it's goodNlight out. You WILL go to town if you have to, just for that.
#11, no swiping anyone else's peach wrappers! You run out you use the catalog, phone book, and junk mail just like everyone else.
There's a way to do it better - find it. -Edison. A better tiny ad:
Binge on 17 Seasons of Permaculture Design Monkeys!