Well, how long have those trees been in those pots?
Depending on location, some of those types of trees might be ok in the pots. (As in many people in cold climates can only grow citrus in posts as they have to move them indoors for winter.)
However, it sounds like those pots won't be moving in/out easily either.
I have a feeling no matter how you transplant them, you will set the roots back a bit, that is normal in transplanting. Anyway, I suspect I would try tipping the pot over on it's side and hopefully there is a hole in the bottom that you could poke up through with a stick of rebar or something while some one else gently pulls on the tree and another helper trys to loosen the soil
enough that the tree comes out of the pot.
My citrus trees are not in perfect full sun and they still produce and provide sweet fruit. They are doing better since we trimmed out a big oak tree that was shading them big time. Anyway, trees will do better with more sun but a shaded citrus can still produce if other conditions are good, they just might not produce as much.