We have a winter gathering from 10. to 18.12.’24. Everyone who already knows the
project or wants to get to know it is invited.
One task for this camp is to remove wild woody plants, like blackthorns, hazel, oak and birch, the loong
fence wants to be mended, we need to make the vegetable patch mouse-proved (by putting gravel underneath it), and there are some smaller tasks too.
Besides the work there is especially during these long evenings space for talks, music,
games, etc.
The food is vegan and we cook for ourselves. It is winter so we don’t camp in the garden but sleep in heated rooms, in the Ökozentrum (Artilleriestraße 6 in Verden).
If you are interested, here is some important information:
* It is possible to come for the whole or part of the event. There are only a limited number of places, so we’ll ask you to pay a deposit to confirm your participation and save you a spot. This will be refunded.
*You need a car or a bike to make the ca 5km to the forestgarden. You need to bring your own weatherproof workcothes.
* The gathering is a pro-feminist space. Everyone
should be able to feel good on the camp and so should be save from violations of their personal space. Everyone should be able to tinker with their own identity and shouldn’t be pushed into a certain one. So macho-behavior and homophobia would be out of place. For these things everybody should take responsibility.