While walking to my car after work I noticed a praying mantis hanging out on a day lily flower. I went back inside and grabbed a box and placed the little guy inside.
As soon as I got home I placed the mantis on one of my tomato plants near some sunflowers, knowing there was a high level of other insects in that area of the garden. While walking out of the garden I
noticed a couple small grasshoppers. I snapped one up and set it on the tomato plant approximately 6 inches away from the mantis. Almost instantly the praying mantis took eye of his soon to be meal.
I grabbed my phone hoping to get the snatch on film, but seconds before I hit record the praying mantis struck and grabbed the grasshopper!
An interesting observation, the mantis immediately began chewing on the upper section of the hoppers hind leg, as if to immobilize the hopper and take out the worry of the hopper kicking free.
I hope my new mantis friend appreciates his new home and meal. I imagine it will be an oasis for him. ( As long as he can stay out of the way of the birds)
I'll keep posted if I happen to see more of him around.