Hi Fiona,
I agree that Mike is a brilliant person and innovative thinker, but please don't get too wrapped up in the hype. His work is the foundation of many possibilities for the future, of that I have no doubt, but we are not going to realize many (if any) of those realities for many decades, at least not in a tangible reality for the day to day needs of millions of this planets residences. Focus your time and money on basic natural and traditional building methods.
One of my challenges with "Ted Talks," in general is it really does a great job of stimulating thoughts, but often distracts "us" (society at large and the funding agencies in it) away from "real time" solutions and architectural needs. From "Meat Houses," to "CNC prefabs cut from plywood," these are all great and innovative, but also very impractical to spend much time on as a focal point. I am glad there are folks like Mike working and thinking about this, and I do support them, and that type of light I see in my students, but don't get lost in it.
Pleaching has been around for longer that just 2500 years, and any well rounded horticulturist and/or botanist can explain the basics to you. If that is what has you excited I will
answer any questions you may have, but will warn you upfront, it is extremely time consuming and fraught with setbacks. It is more "art form" than tangible event for application in architecture. I use many of the methods when I practice Pesai (盆栽) but again, this is
art not a realistic building method. For enhancing architecture, perhaps try some of the "Living Wall" concepts, which we employ when designing vivarium displays and living systems.