Hi folks!
I'm planning a bike tour this year from early spring to Christmas or so with the purpose of visiting, learning with, and helping out people who are doing subsistence/permaculture/eco-community work. I am looking for places to visit and "work," with no monetary exchange, preferably with food provided and either a room or a place to camp. (Yes, I've already done some looking on
WWOOF and WorkAway). I'm strong and very willing to work hard with you (not just for you).
My route is still flexible, but at this point I am imagining a clockwise loop around Lake Ontario, kind of as depicted on the map (probably actually more loopy than that). Please contact me if you're interested in a visit - anything from a day to a week to (if the fit seems good) three or four weeks.
A bit more about me:
Part of my growing-up years were spent on my family's small mixed farm (near-organic practice, livestock freezer trade, tractor-based). The past few years I have been working on that
land with my family with a different focus of subsistence agriculture with an ever-decreasing use of external
energy and nutrient inputs.
This has meant a lot of human-powered
gardening (working toward a full-breadth and year-round diet),
food preservation, seed saving,
cutting firewood by hand, cooking on
wood, hand tool/green woodworking (often to make tools), and some alternative construction repairing an old log house.
My focus is on exploring and embodying a potentially
sustainable way of life as an alternative option to the brittle and destructive systems I am used to relying on and participating in. I am looking for ways to build possibility for myself and others to live in these ways - access to land, knowledge, and community. I do not believe in and am not interested in a prepper orientation of self-preservation in the face of upheaval or collapse.
I love to make music!
I am keen to learn subsistence-oriented skills that complement what I already know. I am interested in learning more about:
-Green construction. Particularly interested in light straw-clay,
cob, passive
solar, thatch, roof tiles, alternate
water handling, and off-grid
-Processing natural (particularly plant) fibres into cloth and rope
-Gardening: human-powered, including
staple crops, minimizing tillage (without plastic), rotations, pest and weed control, cover crops with home-grown seed, soil building without external inputs (I have
experience with most of this but there are many ways, and I want to learn from others' choices)
-Hedge laying and other natural wild animal deterrence strategies (so far I'm used to electric
-Fermentation as food preservation
Permaculture design
-Fruit and nut tree management (especially of established orchards/food forests)
-Perennialization of staple parts of diet
-Blacksmithing (charcoal in particular)
-Tool making for any of these activities
-Alternative energy systems (wood & passive
solar cooking/baking, mechanical water and wind power, human-powered equipment)
-Animal traction
-Organic apiculture
-Probably other things I haven't thought of!
I lean toward veganic systems since animals often come with either or both purchased grain and tractors, but am fine with working with animals. I'll only really be interested if you are addressing these issues, though.
I also want to experience and learn from various models of community - from the fully "unintentional" community that you keep with people who live around you to (if applicable) more "intentional" community in which you share certain parts of life and work with others in a structured way.
If you share land between multiple people/households, I would like to learn about this land-sharing - both legal models and land-use/social models.
I want to meet other folks interested in this kind of subsistence lifeway and build my network of friendships in this sphere.