We had a big black walnut in a barn
yard when I was a kid. The animals trampled the green shells off of them. It was too close to the garden, so my mother had to plant tomatoes in a distant corner to escape the juglone.
The animals hung out under it. Their manure piled up there and it was unsuited to the garden so it had to go on the field. Nothing grew under it, but animal traffic was far greater than in a rotational system.
Hazel nuts and others might prove a good choice for those with smaller stock. Big animals will mash nuts into the soil or break them. Goats would eat them. Sheep aren't likely to mash or eat them and if placed around
trees before harvest, they'll leave the grass shorter than other grazers do. It would be easy to gather nuts. Their droppings would not cover large areas or pose a navigational hazard (as cow pies do) while gathering nuts.
Chicken and rabbit tractors might work under nut trees as well.
I've always liked that saying in your signature.