Mitch Graves : You can read my response to Gail Moore, The R.M.H. was designed exactly for such small spaces as this, however to be the happy owner of a 'Rocket'
you must be prepared to give it Pride of Place, Because the R.M.H. needs frequent feedings of very dry, finely split
wood, to allow it to burn at the High Temperatures
and great efficiencies that the rocket is known for. It needs to be in a central location where its proud owner can keep an
eye ear on it to monitor its condition and the
magnetic Temperature gauge on the outside of the barrel, after frequent feedings over approximately 1 hour, your Burn Tunnel
should be glowing red hot and you
can then fill your feed tube with 3-5 chunks of well seasoned (cut in 2011 for burning in 2013) Chunks of wood. Then as the home owner goes about his or her duties
over the next 6-8 hr period, the R.M.H. gets hands on attention approximately every hr, and produces both prompt heat radiating off of the barrel, and the larger
amounts of heat stored within the Thermal Mass which will continue to heat your house over the next 20-25 Hours, Building an R.M.H. under your trailer would only
work well if that was going to be your living space so that it is a easy chore to keep feeding the
Dragon that resides inside every R.M.H.!
With the R.M.H. at a remote location, under your trailer you still need to have your thermal mass located within the trailer, so after you reinforce the floor you still
need to have a hole in the floor, and the weight of the Thermal Bench nearly 3 tons as part of the weight is now under the Trailer. You also need to plan on an Exit
chimney that will rise vertically to a height approximately 31/2 to 4' taller than the highest point of the trailers roof !
If we try and run a R.M.H. from a distant location we will have no visual or audible prompts to tell us that we need to add a chunk or two of wood, In Six hours of
running the stove we have lost about 1/2 of the 1st hour monitoring the 'rocket' and not doing any of the other chores a home needs, and then over the next 5 -7 hours
of time, you will be spending a large part of the time dressing for the weather, checking the R.M.H., waiting for the right time to re-fuel your R.M.H., Actually feeding your
'Rocket' and then shedding winter wear, so that the stay at home partner can get the rest of his or her work done, Believe me when I say that you will find that the 6 - 8
hours tending your 'Rocket' everyday will soon grow to a hated chore, instead of a
gift freely given as a mere part of the days little tasks while the stay at home partner
covers That Days 6-8 hrs, I hope this helps you in deciding if a
Rocket Stove is a good match for you in your location ! For the Good of the Craft !
Think like fire, flow like a gas, Don't be the Marshmallow ! As always comments/questions are solicited and welcome ! PYRO - Magically BIG AL !