I am planning on building a
sustainable homestead when i move back to NW Washington next year. I will be taking between 6-10 Formosa Black mix dogs with me. They need to have a large run as they can't be trusted to stay on the property or behave themselves properly without supervision. I would like to be ale to incorporate them into my system so that they can provide some tangible benefit to the homestead.
Formosa Blacks are chasing dogs. They have a strong chase instinct that cannot be trained out of them. As soon as I turn my back, they would for certain go after any and all small animals. Since i can't supervise them 24/7 they cannot be around
chickens or baby animals. The benefit to this trait is that they will happily catch
mice which do a lot of damage, particularly to the pumpkins.
The next problem is dog
poop. Carnivore poop is unsafe unless well composted. Going through a half acre run with a poop scooper is obviously not a practical long-term method so they obviously can't be with the low-growing plants. I suspect they would be just fine in an orchard where their feeces wouldn't come in contact with the fruit.
Because of how territorial they are (much more so than your golden retreiver or lab) I worry about letting them stay with the: horses, sheep, and turkeys that are already there or even the goats and pigs i might eventually get (there are
chickens too). But I want them in close proximity so that they can discourage coyotes. I DON'T want them free-ranging because they are all between 35-50 lbs. More tha small
enough for a pack of coyotes to take down.
Then there is the advantage/problem of an orchard in general. While fallen fruit can
feed: pigs, goats,
chickens and turkeys (the latter picking the bugs out) the fallen fruit can attract harmful bugs. Since dogs don't eat fruit, they will have to be companioned or rotated with an animal that does.
I have many ideas. Please feel free to add to them or criticize.
The first idea is to not have an orchard at all, but rather have animal runs where fruit is grown.
1) Dogs and adult turkeys can hang out in one section where pumpkins and relativly few fruit
trees are grown. The dogs will protect the pumpkins from mice and the turkeys will take care of bugs on the fallen fruit. The pumkin mounds will have to be fenced off to protect the
roots of the pumpkins from digging but the pumpkin fruit will be out in the open. This means that the pumpins will not be suitable for eatng (except pumpkin seeds. yum!) because of risk of fecal contamination but they can be used as pig feed after halloween. Other flowers that attract beneficial insects but are not intended for eating can also be grown, but i wouldn't count on them not being: trampled, broken, rolled on and or dug up by playful, fuzzy monsters. Baby turkeys will be banished from this section for their own safety.
2) the next section would contain sheep and goats. This section would be loaded with trees and companion plants. Again, the trees and their companions would have fencing around them to keep the companions from being devoured. The trees would be built on large mounds (maybe
hugel mounds) so that the fruit is likely to roll out of the
fence. The sheep and goats can help to trim the companion plants.
3) Chickens and baby turkeys go in this next section and this section is PACKED with trees that have large canopies. Eagles are a problem here and I hope the
canopy will provide protection (do you have any other ideas? maybe another animal that would intimidate the eagles?) I will err to the side of overplanting trees to guarantee there is a good canopy at the expense of fruit production.
4) If get pigs, they goe in this section. It seems, from what i have read, that pigs dont get along with ANYTHING. In fact, the only reason to have a pig is to turn waste into meat and fertilizer. This section will have the ideal spacing of trees complete with companions and lots of sun chokes in between. I suspect the pigs to be more than happy to dig those up ad cut my feed bill. Will the pigs destory the roots?
The next idea is to do pretty much the same, but rotate them weekly so that the animals who shouldn't eat too much fo the fruit don't. Turkeys and dogs take care of the bugs and are followed by pigs who eat whats left of the fruit which are followed by chickens and baby turkeys which dont really serve much purpose in this case except to get whatever the turkeys and pigs didn't which are followed by goats and sheep which are most likely to get sick from eating too much fruit.
The final solution is to give everybody their own place. Dogs in one. Chickens in another. Turkeys in yet another. Goats and sheep in the field with the horses. Food forest in yet another section. Annuals in another. Every day i'll break my back: hauling feed, mucking stalls, scraping fertilizer off the ground, and cleaning up falen fruit. While im at it, ill get some pesticides, herbicide and chemical fertilizers. Then i'll get some GMO plantsfrom Monsanto and go french kiss a jaguar. Hey, stupid people do stupid things, right?
All jokes aside, what criticism or contributions do you have to this plan?