A new plant appeared on my property this year. There's a lot I don't know but I pretty much know every plant on our 3 acres and this was a new one. I also saw it down by a swampy area nearby.
I wish I could describe it better. It grew to about 4 to 6 feet tall and when the season neared its end it turned reddish.
I let new plants grow and observe them before making any judgements on them. I've decided that for now I don't want this one. The trouble is that the seeds are very annoying. The little
cattle horns are hooks like on burrs and they stick to your clothes. Then they are itchy and uncomfortable. If it was only me that would be one thing but it's no good having little kids get all covered with annoying itchy owie seeds.
I wish now I had taken a photo of the plants. Oh well, here's a photo of the seeds