Here's a few recent pictures. I need to heat the water in the catch basin. So I'm playing around with copper tubing and
cob. Was looking good until the cob fell off and made a mess, so I got an old bed sheet and wrapped it. It's still not dry, but I'll be burning again today.
I'm buring logs of sawdust/WVO that I make by wrapping about 1 1/2 of the mix in 2 1/2 sheets of
newspaper. Every burn so far has been good, nice even and steady burn, pleasant smell too.
Until the last burn. I think I need to cut a slit across the top of the loaf before igniting, the last one didn't burn hardly at all, too much flat paper.
I got a back draft on the last burn, so I dug a little and pointed the air intake down. yiou can't se in the picture, but there's plenty of room for air to move.
Antoher thing, the tomatoe isn't doing well at all. Then moving
compost around, I snapped the only nice branch left.
I decided to put compost over the
roots of the grapefruit tree and all in that corner to cut down on heat loss.
Currently, I haven't put on any compost access doors, just holding plastic in place with a piece of
wood and a brick.
Thinking is, and air that makes it through the two layers of plastic, will move through the compost, aerating it,,, wishful thinking, huh,,,
Picture time,,