I got 7 ex-factory farm hens last summer. According to the charity that buys and re-homes them, they
should have been about 15 months when we got them. So they are about 2.5 years old now. Over the past couple of months, three of them have died from some illness or parasite or something. Symptoms: lethargy, floppy comb, tail tucked down. At the moment, three of the remaining hens are still perky, but one is exhibiting these symptoms. I had said that I would take her to the vet if it happened to another
chicken, but I find that my finances can't stretch to a vet's visit this month.
Also, we have not had any egg-laying to speak of since early summer; for the first 9 months or so, they were giving us 4-7 eggs a day, but after that it dropped steadily and since the summer, we're lucky if we got 1 a day: even when all 7 were still alive we still only got 1 or none every day.
The hens are in a paddock system in our small back garden, with access to grass and some veg and ornamental beds. They also get pellets and kitchen scraps.
Any ideas would be appreciated!