Danny Carm: I don't know if you ever saw the movie 'Apollo-13 ' the movie that made the line "Houston,- We have a problem! " a meme, and part of our culture and Language.
The gist of the story is, after an on-board explosion of equipment thought to be only of minor importance, the mission had to be aborted mid flight in an effort to save the crew,
a build up of
carbon DI oxide nearly killed the crew, it was only due to clear communications a cross thousands of miles of space that a jury rig of the surviving equipment
was built, and proved effective in reducing (Absorbing) the CO2!
Plants produce oxygen while exposed to sunlight, during hours of darkness they are obligate users of O2 for cellular respiration, your plan to increase Water vapor can best be
served by the introduction of fowl- like
chickens released to an understory of the green house where they will 1) warm the green house 2) release safe levels of CO2 and 3)add
water vapor ! not by introducing possibly dangerous levels of CO/CO2, remember, you only get to be wrong once ! For the good of the craft ! Big AL !