Thanks for the input Dale. Although we weren't able to 'live' in this cob building, we did monitor it throughout the four seasons. In winter, the snow sheds off the roof really well (too well in my opinion). The picture is a little misleading in that the snow is not up against the wall at all. It's the accumulation of the roof-shed snow, which is about 2' from the wall. Some of the snow did sluff off the
berm and into the wall but, at most, it was only about 4" high. So it never got to the height of the cob.
Believe it or not, we are still getting backsplash on the cob. Most of the time it's not enough to worry about, but towards the end of winter, when the berms are about waist high, it starts getting warm enough to melt snow on the roof. The water that runs off, hits the berm and splashes the wall. I'd like to leave the berms as they are because I think they deter snow drifts from piling up agains the wall, but due to the backsplashing I may have to knock them down, at least part-way.
Good eye on the sides of the doors. We did get some slight erosion on the cob, from the water. It wasn't due to direct rain, but from poor construction on my husbands part. The dormer, at the lower corners weren't properly made up which permited water runoff to dribble below the roof and drip right onto the cob. He has since fixed this issue.
We are very aware of the dangerous metal roof edges and corners. We still need to install metal trim around the entire building, but I think the corners at the door still need additional protection. Possibly posts coming straight down? Or pony walls on each side of the door? Not sure yet.