Hello everyone. Although we are new to this forum we are not new to the work, effort, research and disappointment when it come to starting an IC.
As elders, our efforts over a 20 year period to start a community went on sabbatical after finally realizing that most folks were not psychologically, ready to change certain mindsets.
We had over 180 folks come to our 5 acre farm in southern Arizona who had an unrealistic idea about IC's that frankly, worried us.
*None came with their own finances (they thought they could just BE there and the infrastructure would pay for itself and we would pay for everything)
*None but one came with any self sufficiency skills to contribute.
*All (but one) others came with poor to zero work ethic (not on of these understood
land stewardship)
*None came with domestic skills, or building skills
*None wanted to learn to do what was needed
*None respected personal boundaries
*None had any creative or entrepreneurial ambitions to develop cottage industries
After eighteen years of people coming in with these attributes, we decided that our vision to develop a self sustaining (mostly) community would not be possible with the mindset of that time.
We were (and still are), frugal people with a wealth of self-sufficient and
gardening skills and more.
We are still stewards and lovers of the land but our experiences have given us pause when it comes to people's lack of understanding about what community can mean. Yes, it takes many forms but we didn't want to re-invent the wheel. We visited cohesive and successful communities when the old place sold.
Bringing forth an IC is very much like birthing and raising a child; in and of itself, it is not simple and requires, education, work, creativity, vision and commitment. Dealing with each persons personality is work and compromise salted with a great deal of humor and a foundation of basic rules by which all can maintain autonomy which is shared. We used the 4 agreements which has served us very well thus far.
We encourage you to be interested in an IC but do your homework, go visit as many as you can, read about the most successful ones as well as the ones who have failed.
Now we are elders, we are not sure we have the
energy anymore to try it again although our hearts still yearn for an IC where elders as well as children are loved and have a contribution that will edify the community and themselves. We still hope for it to come about in greater numbers; a wealth of diverse people with diverse skills and dreams could become our futures only hope of redeeming ourselves from a consumerist society.
So, don't give up but understand, it is no simple or cheap thing to develop or join an IC. Research them and yourself especially. Know that you may or may not be able to adjust to such a life.