Prepare for crude paint drawings.....
So after listening to a recent podcast where Erica mentions a 1 hour woodshed, because so many people just throw a tarp over a pile of
wood and it rots apparently. I had an idea I needed to share and get peoples thoughts on.
I don't know if anyone has ever been in a sweat lodge, it is like a little hut made out of saplings covered in furs and blankets etc. to conduct a ceremony over warm stones, its kinda like a sauna/ steam room but for cleansing and ceremony.
Anyhow, I thought of a quick design that I'm pretty sure would work and couldn't take more than an hour. So essentially you just make the bones of the sweat lodge, make it wide
enough to stick a pallet in (have tall/long enough sapling), in a sunny area (facing south) and cover it halfway with a tarp or maybe a little more than halfway.
If your ground is frozen the other way involves nailing a series of
pallets together with 2x4 railings and bending saplings nailed to the bottom over the low railing in back to a high railing on top to create a roof. Just nail sheet metal or ply wood tarp etc to the top. This would probably take more than an hour though depending on skill level. (You could also just continue to use 2x4 or maybe you would need to for sheet metal, I'm not sure)
I have never tried this but I would imagine it would work, and would definitely be better than putting a tarp over a pile, also you must stack fire wood not pile it for it to dry.
Let me know what you guys think.
*compulsive editor*