Reposting a funding request from the first big research
project into american
I've visited over 30 farms so far, from forbidding high desert to fertile
humid valleys, and from less than an acre in size up to 2000 acres. In the
process, I?ve also spent months and months away from home, driven over
16,000 miles, and slept in and on a tremendous variety of couches, floors,
barns, spare rooms, fields, and at the occasional Motel 6. The gallery map
page is full of images from a good chunk of my travels, and I?ll be adding
more soon:
At each farm I?ve intensively collected data on *land use, farm economics,
quality of life, *and more*.* Data like this has never existed about
permaculture farms before now, and it?s going to be a tremendous resource.
*I?ve stretched the original fund far, but it?s long gone.* I?ve got
another 2000 miles of driving, a month away from home, and some incredible
farms to visit before I?m done.
*Please help me complete this crucial field research.*
Thanks so much for your support.