I got rid of a beloved goat before her CL burst. It was very hard on me. I loved her so much. However, she had what looked like infections twice before--one right on top of head. Its was oozing and beige. The last time on a back hock and it looked the same. It was NOT light green or tooth paste in texture. So I think those were regular infections. None of my other goats ever got a CL bump. She did test for CL. But her nine month old doeling didn't. My vet said the doeling's antibodies might not be high
enough to show for CL yet. However, she did come back as "Negative". I decided to get rid of the doeling and her brothers as well. Just in case she has infected my
land, I felt I needed to get rid of the whole goat family. I plan to start over some day. But here's the Million Dollar Question....and please--any researchers or actual vets please chime in here. I'm tired of going into forums and hearing people's opinions of how long CL lasts on
wood, dirt, metal,etc. I've read anywhere from a month to 10 years...really--aren't we all tired of this? Hasn't UC Davis or Washington University ever done any research that gives a definitive amount of time this bacteria stays alive outside its host? Please--somebody clear the air and put this question to rest and give the reall time period this bacteria lasts outside the goat. And any readers out there that want to give their opinion, please refrain. I only want to read about definitive research/testing of this disease and how long it lasts....thanks