Sorry, I didn't realize anyone responded to my question.
The axe head is approx. 7.5 lbs
The eye is parallel with the bit. So the offset has to be in the handle.
Since I have never used a hewing axe before I was wondering about....
1. Hand clearance vs. control, pretty much the angle of the offset.
2. Is grain runoff really critical in a handle that wouldn't be getting nearly the shock that a felling axe handle would.
3. If grain runoff is critical then steam bending seems to be the only option. Is there an advantage to the 'S' handle shape vs. one with just a single bend.
I wasn't interested in buying a handle so I just decided to just give it shot.
Here is what I know I did wrong:
1. my grain direction is about as bad as it's possible to be, but the
wood was free.
2. the handle is oak, not hickory or
ash, but, again, the wood was free.
I got about a 15 deg. offset, though it is hard to see in the picture.
We'll see which breaks first, me or the handle.
I would appreciate any input.