Kate Muller wrote:I am also looking for information on growing mums.
Get cuttings from someone who has them. They
root easy peasy. Just stick the cuttings in potting soil and keep it moist and in the shade for a few weeks until they root well. Rooting compound speeds it up, but I have had luck without it. I live in Virginia. If you want your mums to bloom in fall, you have to cut them back around mid June. People say "pinch them" but I cut mine. I got my cuttings from a place I worked that has them and just started them all like this when they were cut back. If you want them to grow back year after year in my area, you have to get those rooted cuttings in the ground by around labor day to give them time to get some good
roots set before the frost in mid to later october.
Hope this helps.