There's no question about it. Missoula is definitely the place for dogs. And I know a lot of those dog lovers in Missoula are the same people who like to garden. So I'm hoping you can let me know how you do it!
My roommate has two big puppies and plans to continue a garden that he had already put in before I lived here. However, we're quickly realizing that these new friends might pose some obstacles to that idea. One of the dogs likes to dig. A lot! She is sparkling white when freshly washed and dried, but comes in from outside looking kind of brownish with black paws every day. haha Unfortunately, the back
yard is kind of a mess because of it. How can we keep the dogs from digging, or doing their business for that matter, in the planted areas? We have some wire fencing. I'm not sure if that will keep them out if they are really determined. They might think our garden is "the place to be" if they see us hanging out in there a lot. Any suggestions? Help please! We want to have everything ready when it's time to plant outside.