here is a link to natural farming that I was trying to find for someone asking about innoculation. This talks about collecting innoculants in cooked rice from a natural area on the
Here is something more I found on it I'm still lookin for the orignal information Sam
Indigenous microorganisms (IMO)
A new concoction is becoming increasingly popular among farmers. Usually called indigenous microorganisms (IMO), this concoction has been successfully tried by government agriculturists, academic researchers and non-profit foundations alike. They have found it useful in removing bad odors from animal wastes, hastening composting, and contributing to crops’ general health.
To make your own IMO, follow these simple steps:
1. Cook a kilo of rice, preferably organic. After cooling, put the cooked rice in a wooden, earthen or ceramic container. Avoid plastic or aluminum.
2. Cover the mouth of the container completely with cloth or paper, fixed in place with a rubber band, to prevent
water or small insects from getting in.
3. Put the covered container, protected from possible rain, under the
trees, in a bamboo grove, a forest floor, or wherever a thick mat of leaves has formed. Leave it there for three days.
4. After whitish moldy filaments have formed, transfer the entire contents of the container to a larger glass or earthen jar and add one kilo of brown sugar or molasses, preferably organic.
5. Cover the jar with clean cloth or paper, fixed with a rubber band. Keep the jar in a dark, cool place. Let it ferment for seven days, until it appears muddy. This is your IMO concoction.
To use, mix two spoonfuls of the concoction with a liter of water. Spray the diluted solution around
chicken coops and pig pens to remove unpleasant odors, on your
compost pile to hasten decomposition, or on your crops to improve their general health by controlling pests and serving as foliar fertilizer