Alright awesome! Don't know the exact process, but the quick rundown the Shepherd told us over the phone was, you plow once, then again, and then on the third pass you flip the second plowed up
berm over the top of the first one.
We emailed him today with a few questions, and one thing he mentioned was possibly having a single shank subsoiler available also, you don't know anyone with one of those do you?
He said that he hopes to at LEAST get all the countour lines marked out and get SOME of the earthworks started, if the conditions are right. So I am assuming it can't be to muddy otherwise the tractor's will just be slipping and sliding tearing up the ground. We are considering maybe pushing this off a month to let things dry out just a little bit, just so that we can get as much as possible done while he is here to over see and teach us how to do it. Do you know when it usually stops raining so much around here? We were thinking maybe may or june might be a better time? Any thoughts or ideas?