We have a problem!
A week ago, we found 2 dead little babygoats in front of the stable. We don't know what happened, but we guess that one of the others goats kicked the little ones.. This are the first babygoats that are born since we have goats. So we think we have solved that problem by making 2 little, separated stables for the other 2 goats who are pregnant.. Let's hope so..
Now, we've started milking the mothergoat without the kids. I've been milking her for a week now, 3 times a day, but it looks like it isn't working well.. Last year, she gave a decent amount of
milk, but now, almost nothing! I thought it would go better after a couple of days, milking 3 times, but it stays the same..
Does anyone has a idea what is going on and what we can do about it?