I live in a rental home with no existing fireplace/chimney. I can't make any structural changes to the house. My idea is to build a
Rocket Stove just outside my house and channel the heat pipe under the house and setup thermal mass there for radiant heat. Here are a few question I have in trying to design a system:
1. How can I build a
rocket stove without the heat exchanger (barrel)? I won't need instant heat and don't want to loose heat outside with an exchanger. I wan't to channel all of the heat into the pipes that will go under the house.
2. If no. 1 is possible, would I still use a J tube design or is it possible to use an L tube with the L laying down (vertical
wood feed into a horizontal tube)?
3. Can dirt be used as thermal mass. If so, would I need to lay an insulating layer, then lay the pipe, then the dirt?
4. Lastly, what are the length limits of a 8" or 6" diameter system and do I count the rise of a chimney at the end in the the length?
Thanks for any input you can give.