Why work hard when god made so many mongongo nuts? - !Kung
The notion that man must dominate nature emerges directly from the domination of man by man - Murray Bookchin
C'est drôle comme les gens qui se croient instruits éprouvent le besoin de faire chier le monde.-Boris Vian
El hombre es la naturaleza que toma conciencia de sí misma -Elisée Reclus
Why work hard when god made so many mongongo nuts? - !Kung
The notion that man must dominate nature emerges directly from the domination of man by man - Murray Bookchin
C'est drôle comme les gens qui se croient instruits éprouvent le besoin de faire chier le monde.-Boris Vian
El hombre es la naturaleza que toma conciencia de sí misma -Elisée Reclus
Jose Reymondez wrote: You can't just toss a bunch of organic matter and expect it all to work itself out, can you?
How to grow nutrient dense fruit and vegetables:Designer Ecosystems
How to grow nutrient dense fruit and vegetables:Designer Ecosystems
How to grow nutrient dense fruit and vegetables:Designer Ecosystems
How to grow nutrient dense fruit and vegetables:Designer Ecosystems
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