Here is an opportunity to develop a
residual income and to make a contribution to the creation of a series of
The Natural Growing and Small Farm Reader.
The fundraising plan for the
Farmwhisperer Farmland Fund (
Details) includes a collaborative book
project. The book is intended as a reader-a collection of articles, essays, stories and papers dealing with a particular subject matter. The first book of the series will be focused on projects suitable for a Natural Growing Farm and Homestead. This covers
permaculture, certified organic, all natural, and wild harvested foods, be they plant, animal, fungi, livestock or fish, from growing, to harvest, to processing, to marketing. The scope of the first edition includes renewable
energy, structures, habitats and
shelters. There is a great deal of lattitude for the writers.
You are invited to write an article or paper, 1000-2000 words, pertaining to a specific area in which your have competent knowledge and
experience. If, in your opinion, your paper falls within the scope of the subject, feel free to submit it. The best 100 papers will be selected. The paper will be non-fiction, with a length of 1000-2000 words. Photos may be included. For the sake of keeping publishing costs down, they will be printed in greyscale. This will be original work. If it has been previously published, in print or electronically, it will not be accepted without written permission of the copyright holder.
The finished book will be offered on
Kickstarter in order to raise the estimated $15000 required to produce the first printing.
The collaborative effort extends past content to include promotion. As an incentive to promote the book, after the first 500 copies are sold, $5 from the sale of each copy will be paid to the writers. For 100 writers, this works out to $.05US/writer/copy sold, starting with the 501st copy. This compensation will be paid in $50 increments or annually.
If your paper is not selected, do not despair. There will be other editions with other topics.
Complete details are available at
The Farm Whisperer.