Simon Johnson

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since Apr 19, 2014
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Herbal educator, free superfood specialist, permaculture practitioner, herbal tea toter, forest garden fanatic
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CW Ontario, Zone 5
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Recent posts by Simon Johnson

Peter Campbell wrote:Gudday, Paul.
If in the email by "I am hoping that one or two plotskateers outside the US can try it out and let me know if this thing works okay" you mean if as a person outside of the US I can get to the page then it's working OK - I'm in Australia.

same here.  canada though
3 years ago
I have something I could add to the list if you like.  I call it the "free superfoods nutrition and energitics chart".

I currently give it away for free on my website to capture emails.

Let me know if you are interested.

3 years ago
I was taken straight to paypal with no questions asked.  I am in Ontario Canada.
My kickstarter email (which I failed to update) is different from my permies one.  I added my kickstarter email as my secondary email on here. I click on the link to the forum and I am not able to get in.
Nice one Mary Beth!  Lambsquarter is the best!  So happy you found it out :)

We have been harvesting the lambsquarter so much this summer.  It's for sure one of my favourits.  Almost unbelievable how abundant it is and how nutritious.  I like to call it "wild spinach" to make it sound better and more appealing to folks who never heard about eating it before.  Way better of going out to the garden for some of this stuff then going to the super market and paying an arm and a leg for some sub par spinach.  They taste very similar in my opinion.  

We have been making some super tasty recipes with it, like a spanica pita type thing, omelettes, quiches, etc.  If anyone is interested we are having a little online wild food cooking class where we go over a bunch of recipes using wild plants and lambsquarter is on the menu.  It's a lot of fun.  The link is in my signature.

I like to harvest as much as possible when it's young and growing really well, then dry it and store it for the winter months to be used as a "superfood" powder in smoothings, soups and what not.  

4 years ago
This is a great little thread!

I love the wild black raspberries that grow all around my house.  They are just the best. They are pretty darn seedy, but man are they tasty!

If anyone is interested we are having a little online wild food cooking class where we go over a bunch of recipes using wild plants.  It's a lot of fun.  The link is in my signature.
4 years ago
Feeding the bees sugar was the first thing I noticed in the manual I received from my local "bee expert".  Then they go on to talk about pest management with pesticides because the bees are weak.  Leave the bees some of their liquid gold to eat over winter.  How is this not obvious to everyone?  It's a point of contention that can get me going

Can't wait to read Bee Keeping with a Smile
4 years ago
Good stuff guys!

I went out in the internet world and started searching.  I found a number of places that sell the food grade plastic mesh that comes with many dehydrators by the roll.  I also found the stuff in bulk if I want to build a ton of dehydrating space.

I think "food grade plastic mesh" was the most successful search.

The stainless stuff is just too expensive (I think) for the size of drying space I want to create.  
4 years ago