We nearly have
enough money saved to buy some
land. I want to be debt free to eliminate a lot of the financial pressure and we are close to achieving that. So this is just planning not acting, but here are my ideas of ways we are going to earn money.
Pastured chickens for eggs. I figure we can build some permanent fences and a portable
shelter and get about 100
chickens on 5 acres to start with, on a 40 day rotation through 8 paddocks. Supermarket prices for free range eggs are about $6-7/dozen and based on my limited
experience with truly free range it would be reasonable to expect 4-5 dozen eggs per day so say $200 per week or around $10k year. That's if I can't get a better deal then the supermarkets, though I believe I
should because the eggs are better.
Pastured Pigs. Maybe 20 acres 5 breeding sows, a couple of boars and 40 piglets per year. Again I prefer a 40 day rotation. I'll target 1 litter per year, and have the pigs fatten during
apple season. I should be able to get $300 per pig on the hoof easily or $12k per year.
Pastured beef. 20 acres for 7 mixed age cows, 7 yearlings and 7 calves. Prime beef 2yr olds are worth around $1500 so maybe $10k per year. Cows will calve mid spring.
Fruit and nuts. I'll be planting a lot of
apple trees especially for the pigs, but there should be some saleable harvest. I'm not putting a $ value on this because it is just a bonus and depends on how much harvesting I want to do. Trees can be integrated with the pigs and
chickens easily, cows are a bit more of a problem because they just love eating the buds. I'll be planting a wide variety of fruit and nut trees with the pigs and chickens to start with, then decide how to manage the cows and trees.
Tourists. Some people will actually pay to come and stay on a farm for a few days as they tour around, you
feed them and give them a bit of a farm experience, not huge income compared to the cost of the additional housing unless you can get into the high end rich person and feed them super health food.
Produce. I'm not a huge fan of the produce market, seems to be a lot of work for little money. However if we can get wwooff'ers this would take care of some of the labour and provide additional income.
Grains There is a bit of a market for organic wholegrains, but I don't have much experience in this area so would only be guessing as to what yield I would be getting but it is worth experimenting with a small area.
Milk A couple of milking cows will provide daily fresh milk, this will have to be hyperlocal though, and people will have to pick it up. Maybe averages out to $5k per year, which will pay for a milking machine in no time.
Integration Pigs can follow chickens no problem and vice versa, chickens can also follow cows. I am not sure though if cows can follow pigs, I know they hate the smell of pigshit. I'll keep the cows in their own area until the trees with the pigs and chickens are established at least.
Marketing. To make money I'm going to have to direct market, not wholesale. I figure that since my systems are kinder to the animals, and so much healthier that selling shouldn't be a problem of demand. Finding a good price may be, but I think I have been conservative with my estimates. I plan to get regular customers who will take so many eggs every week and sort out some delivery system maybe once a week. If a person has the responsibility of caring for an animal for 30days or more they can then pay a registered butcher to kill and process it for them, they cant just buy a pig an kill it the same day. So there are ways to
sell an animal give someone responsibility for it so they can have it butchered. I'll sell the animal on a preorder basis, worst case scenario I sell direct to the processor and take what price they give me. I can also advertise and sell eggs at the farmers market, the key advertising feature will be the unique organic healthy foods with happy animals. I have sold door to door before, but this is starting to look like too much effort.
That's the bones of the plan, and things change with time but I thought I'd put it out there as an idea for others or open to critique. Should be over $40k per year on less then 50 acres. I don't see the need for much inputs though I could be wrong, if I start needing fertiliser I'll reduce numbers instead of using fertiliser. Maybe on average 2hrs per day, most of that will be with the chickens and eggs. Marketing could add to that but time will tell.