I've come into a windfall of organic material. My neighbor has a bunch of large mature cryptomeria
trees (also known as japanese cedar, they are actually a cypress) that drop brown branch ends all over his carefully manicured landscape. He's been hauling them to a mound and burning them every year and is so thrilled that I'll take them.
I can't find much information about the tree and can't find a reference to their dropping lots of material. I'm wondering if they are allelopathic.
What would you do with it? I might make paths with it, mulch large areas, deep litter for the
chicken run, try to use it as an attractant for
chicken food bugs...right now it's in a big pile.
My only concern is that I live in a place where the invasive plant jungle will swallow anything that isn't mowed or tended. I don't need another big thing to tend and I can't have the asian bittersweet and honeysuckle moving in.