Hey yall,
I'm currently interning at a homestead out in the Kapoho area of the big island of Hawaii (zone 12A). I've got a nice garden space out front of my living area that is totally unused on account of the flock of 12 hens that free range in the area. Previous occupants have tried (unsuccessfully) fencing in tomatoes and other vegetables, but for crops like that we have another chicken-free garden area. I'm still determined to use the space however (seeing that square of empty soil every day is unbearable
) and so I’m trying to draw up a list of potential herbs or edibles that the
chickens wouldn’t be interested in. It would be especially nice to get a
perennial kitchen herb garden going; make the place more comfortable for future interns and all.
So far I've been planning on propagating mint, tropical thyme, and nasturtium (there is a
trellis area for them to climb). I’ve also heard basil isn’t their favorite, so I was thinking of perennial (holy) basil. I’ve seen several bird pepper plants doing well around the
chickens here too, so I might give them a go as well.
Does anyone else have recommendations for plants the
chickens won’t touch, especially perennial herbs? I know it will be a challenge getting most plants going with the chickens scratching around, but I’m looking for things that, once established, won’t be so appetizing to the chickens, but will add variety to my and future intern’s diets.
Thanks in advance for any and all advice